To do that you actually have to modify your theme. AutoBlogged saves the original link as a custom field named "link" for each post so you can refer to it in your WordPress theme. To modify your theme you need to open your index.php (or since you are using the Revolution theme, home.php). Search for the_permalink() and replace it with get_post_custom_values('link'). This will make the title's hyperlink go to the original article. You also likely need to edit other files such as archive.php and search.php to make the same changes there. Note that although this will make your links point to the original article, WordPress will still make a page for each post that would appear in your rss feeds and sitemaps. There's really no way around that. |
Ok...I actually used the following: <h2><a href="<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, "link", true); ?>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2> and that did it. Thanks for all the help! |
Thanks for any help.