This looks like a great piece of software…we had recently discussed the Atahualpa theme at our WordPress meetup entitled
Code Free WordPress…and a suggestion was just posted to have a meeting based on ThemeFrame. This was the first I’ve heard of ThemeFrame. I currently use Headway for quick and easy layouts, however, I like that your product is a theme creation tool and not a theme itself. I am a beginner at design/development and always appreciate great tools to help in the process. Thanks for the great work!
I’ve noticed it mentioned here and in the product page comments -it seems over the period of nearly a year; does the latest Beta allow for creation of custom page templates? (This is a crucial component for custom theme design)
Are there any plans to include the creation of Custom Post Types or any other edits to functions.php to include in the theme output?
Do you have a projected release candidate date?