I have my Categories menu set as menu 1, and I'm choosing to display menu 1 at the top of the page, where the menu does appear. However, when I go to CSS Settings > Using Menu Icons, the sample code has my Pages menu as menu 1 and my Categories menu as menu 2. I am not sure what to do about this.
Anyway, I went to the sample code, changed the icon numbers, and changed all instances of #menu2 to #menu1, and copied it over to menus_menu1.css. When that didn't work, I went ahead and copied it over to menus_menu2.css with just the icon numbers updated (which didn't work either).
This is the code I'm using:
/* Part 1- for default state: */I'm using postname permalinks.
#menu1 .game-dev > a > i { background-position: 0px -24px; }
#menu1 .games > a > i { background-position: 0px -24px; }
#menu1 .roboturtle > a > i { background-position: 0px -24px; }
#menu1 .site-news > a > i { background-position: 0px -24px; }
/* Part 2 - for hover state: */
#menu1 .game-dev:hover > a > i, #menu2 .game-dev.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -24px; }
#menu1 .games:hover > a > i, #menu2 .games.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -24px; }
#menu1 .roboturtle:hover > a > i, #menu2 .roboturtle.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -24px; }
#menu1 .site-news:hover > a > i, #menu2 .site-news.active > a > i { background-position: -24px -24px; }
Thank you for any help.