Hello -
It's been a while since I've visited, but I'm getting active in web development again and have once more turned to Atahualpa to design a custom site for a client.
The client wants the layout to have a fixed width and height. Setting the width is easy, but the height is turning out to be a problem.
In ATO > Center Column > Style and Edit CENTER COLUMN - I have tried various options for setting the height to a fixed value. Currently I am using the following code:
min-height: 618px;
max-height: 618px !important;
height: 618px !important;
overflow: auto;
The min-height is working, as it does not let the layout "collapse" down to a shorter value. However, the max-height does not work, nor does the height value; when there is content that is longer, the DIV grows automatically to accommodate it. This is common on many sites, but my client wants to have scroll-bars appear within the fixed boundaries, so that the page appears "stable" - sort of like a book.
I have found that if I hard-code a DIV on a page, that is set up to contain the page content, that this code works. However, I can't see a way to do this for lists of posts by category, since I'm not creating the content manually, it's being prepared on the fly.
I don't understand why the hard-coding of the CSS for a DIV element works OK, but it does not work OK when the DIV is created by the theme and contains dynamic content.
Is there a way to do this in Atahualpa, either by CSS or any other method? I am reluctant to go into the PHP files since I don't want to have to maintain the code changes for the client as the theme is updated, but if this is the only way to do this I may consider it.
Eric Bobrow