I need to automatically add author information on every post that an author writes on my blog. I wanted to follow this tutorial on makeuseof http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/add-aut...rdpress-posts/ . they state i have to put this code "<?php $author_email = get_the_author_email () ;
echo get_avatar ($author_email, ’80′) ; ?></span>
<br><p><i><?php the_author_description () ; ?>
<?php the_author() ; ?> has <?php the_author_posts () ; ?>
post(s) at NAME OF WEBSITE</i></p>
<div style=”clear:both;”></div>" on the single.php file of my theme. I've searched but did not find the file. also did a search on this forum and I have noticed that the atahualpa theme doesnt have a single.php file.
Since the single.php file is not available, is there another place i can add the code onto?
I am using V3.7 atahualpa and V3.3.1 wordpress.