I guess this is a totally generic WP problem--or maybe host related?? Just looking for ideas to pursue here.
The problem comes up when I go to paste code into a text widget and then save. It won't save. Just sits there twirling around. Now it isn't just any code. If it try to save just plain text or html all is well. The problem has come up twice. The only thing I can see that the two scenarios have in common is they both include javascript in the code. One is Adsense code and the other is MailChimp sign up box.
In one of the cases I tried instead of putting the code into a sidebar widget to put the code on a page. Just to see what would happen. As soon as I went to publish the page I got a php error and everything was hung till I deleted the offending code and threw it all away.
I've tried this on a fresh install of WP with no plugins and only the default theme with the same results.
The other weird thing is that I HAD used the adsense code a few months ago with any problem. I had removed it for non-technical reasons and just recently decided to put it back. NOW there is a problem?
ANY ideas what could be up here?
Thanks in advance!