I have three problems with VASTHTML Forum plugin:
I have a Teacher's Corner (Forum) in place. I was very happy to have got so far!

However, once I entered into (e.g. Coffee lounge forum) I could not see how to write a new post, or reply to an existing post. There appeared to be no Post New Topic tab or such...

After careful scrutiny, I finally saw the New Topic Tab-link but it had almost completely merged into the background. But it must be there because a click where it should be opens an appropriate New Topic page!
Question: How can I change the colours to make them visible?
I've spent all day today trying out various combination in the Atahualpa settings, but to no avail.

Similarly, the blue tabs "Home" "My Profile" "Search" -- which ARE visible -- disappear into a nothingness when hovered.
Question: How can I avoid them "disappearing" when the mouse hovers over them?
Avators. I have one, but it does not show up...
Question: How can I get my Avator picture to show up? And of course, also for any future forum members should they have one?
My personal Avator is now showing. Hopefully also for any future forum members!
Can anyone help me?