Yes, you need to learn the terminology so we can all communicate.
Sounds like you want to use WP as a CMS. It's doable. And Atahualpa makes it as easy as possible, although it will still take some work to get all the plugins and widgets you need to work together.
My main site is a community newspaper. We moved the whole thing over to Wordpress, not counting legacy content dating back to 2002, about a year ago. Lots of work to get everything to function as we wanted. Using PHP code in some of the widgets was a great help, to display certain things only in certain places, for instance. There are plugins that will help, like Widget Logic, but sometimes some custom PHP code was the best way.
I suggest you read the Codex at, for starters. Make use of the plugins directory there. Take a look at to see how we pull a lot of disparate information together using categories, pages, plugins and widgets.