Install translation.
Here is what i done and it still does not work.
I created a "language" folder in /wp-content
I uploaded the and fr_FR.po into the /wp-content/language folder
I uploaded the and fr_FR.po into the /wp-content/themes/atahualpa342 folder
I edited the wp-config.php to change the value from define ('WPLANG', ''); to define ('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');
Nothing hapen then.
But then i went in the Tools / upgrade page from the panel. It ask me if i want to upgrade to 2.8.4 in french. i click upgrade.
Then the admin panel is all in french but on my page it still says "Leave a reply"
I have been trying for like 4 hours now and it still does not work
Someone mind pointing me in the right direction?