I'm new around here, and to this particular WordPress template. I think it looks great and I love the fact that it's so functional and so extensively customisable.
I'm sure I'll have lots of technical questions as I go, as this coding stuff is never easy for me. But initially I just wanted someone to assure me that what I want to do is feasible and easy enough without resorting to a developer.
I made my wife a web site - (birth connection) . And now I've added a blog to at at http://www.birthconnection.com.au/blog/
Initially I want to know how easy it is to integrate the two parts of the site. Do I just have a very similar looking blog site that somehow links back to the original site, or are there other ways? Could I for example, recreate the static pages of the website as pages in the blog, and only have the blog type sidebars show up in the blog section, and have the website sidebars show up on the static pages, with a common nav bar across the whole site? In other words, could I make the whole site in WordPress easily enough? Or alternatively, would it be easier to somehow load the whole blog into the original website layout? I can see it's probably quite technical, but if I figure out the best approach, I'm sure I could figure it out eventually. I just am not sure where to begin, or which way to begin.
Ideally, I think I'd like to just convert the whole site to a Wordpress installation and add the static pages, but then somehow home needs to go back to the root, not the /blog directory, and I'd have to figure out the sidebar issues and the nav menu.
Hmmm... why was I born a creative type and have to struggle so with coding?
I've also implemented the template at my own blog - photografica.