First, thanks for developing this theme, I have been playing around with a few different ones and so-far I like the look of this, especially the large image and the capacity to interchange images. Now, the problem I am having -possibly because I have limited experience with these things- is that, it appears by default both of my sidebars are listing my entire list of links. The only difference is that the left sidebar also contains META and category lists. Now when I go to appearance>widgets, I have the option of selecting and placing different items on both right and left sidebars. When I go to current widgets>right-sidebar>show, I am told "You are using 0 widgets in the 'Right Sidebar' sidebar. Add more from the Available Widgets section." Why then are all of my links showing? How can I manage to delete and customize one or the other sidebar? Is there another recommended widget or plug-in that can assist me in doing this? I appreciate any feedback, and again, thanks for Atahuapla.