I have just installed your beautiful theme "Atahualpa". It is really nice, practical and well done with a lot of features. However there are couple of things that I cannot resolve, so I am asking for help and advice.
1) I would like to be able put my posts on different PAGES (not only "Home") on the same way I can do it on "Home" page (with comments thread available after EACH post). Is it possible?
2) How I can LIMIT number of posts per page, so there would be at the bottom "older posts" arrow? Now, posts are going infinitely which I want to avoid at any cost, but don't know how?
3) I have trouble with fonts (old shortcoming of WordPress, though). With "Atahualpa" for example, Headline fonts at the "Home" page are different than at the other pages, and I coludn't change it no matter what. Also, font of the name of my website took the same font from "Home" Headlines, so I couldn'd change it as well. I tried everything, including deleting widgets and even re-instaling complete "Atahualpa" - nothing helped.
4) I have constantly error message at the bottom of browser screen (I am using IE 8): "Done, but with errors on page". It looks ugly and I couldnt get rid of it even after re-instaling site. I think your script is very "heavy" and very sensitive to any change (for example puting your ordinary and light widgets). I think it has inside some "caching" feature that prevents me to start with clean theme after re-installing. It always "remembers" previous set-up. From the other side, I think script "heaviness" is contributing to slower loading of whole site and pages.
I will appreciate any help and advices.
Thank you.