Hi everyone,
I really do need some help here...
Following on from my thread (http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=2486), I went on trying something else and added a widgetised area to a Post page. Inserted the code in the "Content ABOVE the LOOP" theme admin area, as per the example showed in the "Add New Widget Area" namely: <?php bfa_widget_area('name=RSS Feed Page&cells=4&align=1&align_2=9&align_3=7&width_4=7 00&before_widget=<div id="%1" class="header-widget %2">&after_widget=</div>'); ?>
Saw the results immediately. Then went on removing what I did namely, removing <?php bfa_widget_area('name=RSS Feed Page&cells=4&align=1&align_2=9&align_3=7&width_4=7 00&before_widget=<div id="%1" class="header-widget %2">&after_widget=</div>'); ?> from the input box in the "Content ABOVE the LOOP" theme admin area. Then saved.
Despite me deleting the added code, I realised that in my WP Widget section, I still had 4 new Widgets: RSS Feed Page 1, RSS Feed Page 2, RSS Feed Page 3, and RSS Feed Page 4. All empty. So, I went back to the Style and Edit Center Column and reset it (red button). The 4 new widegets were still there...
So, decided to reset the whole theme option (grey button). No results - 4 widgets were still there.
Went on deactivating the theme, deleting it, re-installing it, re-activating it... and those 4 widgets are still there, as seen attached. I really thought this process would get ride of them.
Furthermore, the order of the default widgets has changed (first time I installed this theme it was: Left Sidebar / Left Inner Siderbar / Right Sidebar / Right Inner Sidebar). Now from the attachement, you can see the order has changed.
Finally, I get the Left Sidebar (empty on the WP Widget admin page), but "Categories" and "Archives" are showing on my site...
Please help me get everything back as the orginaly settings I got when I activated the theme the original time, and get this Widget and Sidebar issue sorted... Really don't know what to do... and I am far from being that technically clued-up...
Maybe once this is done, I can get some help on http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=2486
Anyway, many thanks,