I am using WP 5.7.2, with a custom child theme of Atahualpa 3.7.1. although I still see an Atahualpa Theme Options selection in my Appearance dashboard. While trying to fix image sizing problems that appeared with the 5.7.2 upgrade, this Atahualpa Theme Options page has stopped reacting to the menu and just shows a series of start messages.
I saw and commented on a post about an update to 3.7.24, which I uploaded via FTP to replace the existing Atahualpa files, but it had no effect. I deleted and reinstalled 3.7.26 from the WP theme dashboard, but I still see 3.7.1 listed as my version, and the settings are still inactive.
My site is http://www.allpowerlabs.com/ and I have used these Atahualpa settings mostly to style the header. I presume the problem is that the elements of Atahualpa included in our child theme are not being updated. The child theme was developed many years ago before I became involved in the project, and the developer is no longer active. Would it be possible to replace key Atahualpa files in my child theme directory to recover this functionality?