Ok, a lot of us seem to be having the same issue. I upgraded my site recently to wordpress 3.8.1 and Atahualpa 3.7.13. My site worked fine before and the heading image I uploaded worked great. As many people have experienced my heading image went away after the upgrade. Fair enough, I read how and where to put my image again. So I put my heading image of the correct size into the correct directory (/public_html/celticpennsylvania/wp-content/themes/atahualpa/images/header). I do not use a substitute name for the theme like “ atahualpa333”. I deleted all other images in this images directory. I also followed every direction I could fine on this problem. I saved everything in Atahualpa again, cleared the cache, logged off and on and rebooted 3 times as well as examined every parameter of the theme. Nothing. Still the default header continues to display. Where is it getting this image? I deleted it everywhere I could. My image is the only one in the directory path listed above yet it does not display. I use Ipswitch as my FTP and my site is
www.celticpennsylvania.com. Help!