Very interesting, on the home page, the <title> tag appears to be
<title>SiteTitle ← TagLine</title>, and it's the HTML escape code
← which is generating the left arrow.
The only way I can think of to change it (besides creating a child theme) is to use some JavaScript. Copy & insert this code into
Appearances > Montezuma Options > Head > Insert Code > Bottom:
// Change the document title
document.title = 'Vragen';
The one line sets the document title to
Vragen. Of course, set it to whatever value you want.
If you wanted to instead replace the left arrow with another character (like a colon), you could use the JavaScript
replace function (the \u2190 is the UniCode hex value for the left arrow):
// Change the site title
var strTitle = document.title;
document.title = strTitle.replace('\u2190', ':');
Note that putting the code in the
Insert Code section will change the document title for all of the pages on your site. For example, if you had an About page, normally the Montezuma theme creates the document title as
About <- SiteTitle, so this JavaScript will overwrite that as well. If you want it to just be changed on your home page, you can include the JavaScript just on the home page instead of in the
Insert Code section.