Currently have:
ATO=>Style & edti HEADER AREA=>Configure Header Area:
<div id="mylogo"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Mina Rees Library" /></a></div><h2 class="blogtitle"><a href="">Mina Rees Library</a></h2><p class="tagline"><a href="">CUNY Graduate Center</a></p>
%logo %pages %image
Based upon this thread:
How do I style the logo, title and taglines differently?
Do I need to do this:
<div id="mylogo"><a href=""><img src="" alt="Mina Rees Library" /></a></div>
<div id="mytitle">
<h2 class="blogtitle"><a href="">Mina Rees Library</a></h2>
<div id="mytagline"><a href="">CUNY Graduate Center</a></p></div>
and then define the css on mylogo, mytitle, mytagline?
And if so where?
Also, please see: