This is likely one of those naive questions with an easy answer.
I'm playing around with including a featured content slider in my sandbox site ( WP 3.5.2, Atahualpa 3.7.12) and I'd like for it to display the title and total comments instead of the title & an excerpt.
<a href="#main-post-<?php echo $counting; ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>">
<?php echo cut_content_feat(get_the_title(), 100, ""); ?><br />
<?php $excerpt = get_the_excerpt();?>
<p><?php echo cut_content_feat($excerpt, 100, "..."); ?> </p>
I've identified that I need to remove the bolded section from plugin file to eliminate the excerpt, but I've combed over comments.php & post parts.php in atahualpa and I can't determine the PHP call for the comments total. Am I missing something obvious?