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Menu acts all weird + Removing text from homepage

Old Jun 7, 2013, 05:07 PM
30 posts · Nov 2012
Hi guys,

I'm back with some more questions I've been working like crazy on my website (mainly css/adding divs etc.)

I've run into the following problem:

1. My menubar is al weird. it has 2 rows right now!

Class="12col" is set right now due to my logo instead of text in that spot.

here's an image of what it looks like:


2. Also I won't be running a blog so I can delete the icon on the right... How can I do so?

3. Last but not least: I want to remove the "ho me" text from my homepage and make the setting

top: -88px (matches well with my main picture.)

! I was trying to find the correct php and I believe that it is page.php that I need. (it needs to stay on all other pages!)

I know nothing about parent pages and such, I always make my changes in the original big css file... (this is smthg I plan to change in the future after the site is done completely ) every now and then when I do an update like messing with the settings of the col and press save... it overwrites my css and I have to put it back ;'(

Site is in maintenance mode right now so not accessible!

Thanks in advance for all ur advice!


Old Jun 7, 2013, 06:52 PM
lmilesw's Avatar
10,176 posts · Jul 2009
Central New York State USA
Without seeing the actual site it's next to impossible to give you specifics other than to say you have to tweak the CSS and code in the virtual CSS files and virtual php files. I would highly recommend only using the virtual files as that is the way Montezuma is designed and editing the physical files leaves a lot of unknowns.
~Larry (CNY Web Designs)
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Old Jun 8, 2013, 11:43 PM
CrouchingBruin's Avatar
299 posts · Aug 2010
Santa Monica, CA
As Larry stated, you need to make changes to the virtual .php and .css files. The virtual .css files are what's used to create the "big" style.css file, which is why you see your modifications being changed back all the time.

1. As Larry said, it's hard to tell what's going on with the menu without actually being able to see the site. It is probably CSS related, though.

2. To remove the RSS icon on the right (I think that's what you want to remove), go to your header.php subtemplate and delete the line that looks like this:
<a href="<?php bloginfo( 'rss2_url' ); ?>" class="rsslink" title="<?php _e( 'Subscribe to RSS Feed', 'montezuma' ); ?>"></a>
3. Are you trying to remove Home from the menu bar?
My Montezuma-themed sites: ESHS Girls Basketball Team, Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
Please consider making a donation to BytesForAll for their great themes!
Old Jun 9, 2013, 02:14 PM
30 posts · Nov 2012
Hello and thanks for replying both

The site is now live (chikara-thaiboxing.be), I know that I messed some things up right now with the css, this is for future edits. I will make it happen one day!

1. No need anymore for the menu, the media page was unnecessary apparently

2. That's exactly what I need! Gonna remove it tomorrow morning. thanks!

3. I'm trying to remove the text "home" on my homepage, menu and navigationbar needs to remain!
--> I want to make the picture the first thing the people see when they get to the homepage. I hope that this is clear! I was able to remove the text and with css I was able to make the picture show higher. But apparently this was also a virtual php file that was created, I couldn't find the solution anywhere unfortunately...

Thanks again for the help! Together we'll go a long way, I LOVE the themes by bytesforall and will suggest using this theme to my friends

Last edited by Stiino0; Jun 9, 2013 at 11:18 PM.
Old Jun 10, 2013, 12:07 AM
CrouchingBruin's Avatar
299 posts · Aug 2010
Santa Monica, CA
Stiino0, thanks for adding the link, your site looks great. That also allows me to suggest something to hide the Home text that you were referring to, which is the post "title."

Try adding this to your various.css option page:

#post-76 h1 {
    display: 	none;	
My Montezuma-themed sites: ESHS Girls Basketball Team, Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
Please consider making a donation to BytesForAll for their great themes!
Old Jun 10, 2013, 05:44 AM
30 posts · Nov 2012
Thanks for the compliment! That did it, my RSSfeed is also removed!

Last question that I have and then I think my site is 100% complete (besides my css etc. )

when you hover over Training and then Jeugd (youth in dutch), my red line above Training disappears... This is a very subtle thing that I want but I can't seem to find where this is coded. Can you help me with this last request?

Many thanks, once again!
Old Jun 10, 2013, 05:48 AM
30 posts · Nov 2012
btw, how on earth did you do the changing images on your website? I love it! Was a function in the future that I was going to implement but it was not needed on launch day.

Is it a plugin? I tried to firebug it but they kept changing haah.
Old Jun 10, 2013, 12:05 PM
CrouchingBruin's Avatar
299 posts · Aug 2010
Santa Monica, CA
Boy, keeping that red line over the main menu item when hovering over a submenu item is an interesting problem. Right now I don't have that feature on either of my Montezuma sites, so it will take some time to figure out.

As far as the rotating images go, that's a plugin that is part of a class of plugins known as sliders or carousels. If you do a search on the Wordpress.org site for sliders, you should be able to find a lot. The one I'm using is called Weptile Image Slider. It's a nice simple plugin to use, but more importantly it is responsive (i.e., resizes according to the viewport size). The only tricky thing is that it is a widget plugin, meaning that you have to create a widget area to put the widget into. With Montezuma, that's very easy to do, because you can create a widget area in the header, footer, main body, wherever you want, and not just in a "side bar." I created a widget area in my header called Widget Area Header and just dragged the widget into it. One nice thing about using a widget plugin is that you don't have to worry about trying to insert a plugin's short code or PHP code into your virtual .PHP files, which won't work.
My Montezuma-themed sites: ESHS Girls Basketball Team, Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
Please consider making a donation to BytesForAll for their great themes!
Old Jun 10, 2013, 01:08 PM
367 posts · Oct 2012
Originally Posted by CrouchingBruin
Boy, keeping that red line over the main menu item when hovering over a submenu item is an interesting problem.
When an item has a hover css, when you hover over it, right click, and select inspect element, you'll get the hover css. To get the css for that area without the hover, right click on a nearby item, then, once firebug opens, move your cursor in the html (left) area of firebug, to the code where the hover in question is. You should get the unhovered css for it on the css (right) side. See if that doesn't lead you to a solution.
Old Jun 10, 2013, 11:12 PM
CrouchingBruin's Avatar
299 posts · Aug 2010
Santa Monica, CA
Jerry, thanks for the tip. I was actually referring to how difficult it would be to find a solution, though, in trying to keep the red line displayed while hovering over the submenu item. I didn't have too much of a problem examining the code with Firebug.

I've given it a decent try using JQuery. It seems like something with the SmoothMenu JavaScript code is preventing me from selecting the "parent" menu item. What is interesting is that when you do a "view source," the submenu UL appears to be a child of the main menu LI, but when you examine using Firebug, the entire submenu UL is in a separate DIV at the bottom of the BODY, so I can't use parent() to select the ancestor LI. I also tried selecting the top level menu item by hardcoding the class name as the selector, but that didn't work, either. I'm not that expert a JavaScript coder to figure out what's going on with the SmoothMenu code, so it looks like you're stuck with that "feature" unless someone else can figure it out.
My Montezuma-themed sites: ESHS Girls Basketball Team, Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
Please consider making a donation to BytesForAll for their great themes!
Old Jun 12, 2013, 01:06 AM
30 posts · Nov 2012
Thanks, I'll try to add some kind of slider plugin later on. I won't be needing it that big though, it will come where my home-image is located right now. I will probably have to create a div for that but we'll cross that bridge when we get there

As for the red tile above my sub-menu... I have no idea what you were all saying haha. JQuery, smoothmenu javascript, parents, ancestors But I hope you professionals can figure it out, I am lost to say the least!
Old Jun 18, 2013, 01:57 AM
CrouchingBruin's Avatar
299 posts · Aug 2010
Santa Monica, CA
OK, I think I have a solution for you, but the way it's currently coded works because you only have one menu item (Training) that has submenu items. If you add submenu items to another main menu item, it will have to be changed.

It's a JQuery solution that sets the top border of the menu item when the mouse enters a submenu item. Copy & paste this code into Appearance > Montezuma Options > Head > Insert Code > Bottom and save it:


    // MouseEnter event handler for submenu items
    $(".sub-menu li").mouseenter(function()
        // Add the border-top CSS settings for the main menu item
        $(".has-sub-menu").css("border-top", "solid 5px #DA0022");
    // MouseLeave event handler for submenu items
    $(".sub-menu li").mouseleave(function()
        // Remove the border-top CSS settings for the main menu item
        $(".has-sub-menu").css("border-top", "");

I think the comments within the code are self-explanatory. There are two event handlers defined for the sub-menu LI items, one for when the mouse enters any sub-menu item and the other for when the mouse leaves. When the mouse enters the sub-menu item, then the has-sub-menu items (of which there are only one for this site, Training) have their top border set to the line. When the mouse leaves, the top border CSS is erased. Usually, I would follow the parent() chain from the sub-menu item up to the top level menu item, but as I mentioned in the previous post, the SmoothMenu code does something to break that chain, so I have to refer to it by class ID.
My Montezuma-themed sites: ESHS Girls Basketball Team, Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
Please consider making a donation to BytesForAll for their great themes!
Old Jul 2, 2013, 03:54 AM
30 posts · Nov 2012
4 Words: You. Are. The. Man!

It didn't even mess with my css settings! (usually does so when I save settings in Montezuma options)

Things for the future that I still need to work out:

- getting CSS to save correctly, meaning that I need to edit my csses in the Montezuma options.

- try out some plugins for making the home picture change.

Thanks once again guys, I love your work and support! Will be donating after my return from holiday

Old Sep 2, 2013, 02:04 AM
30 posts · Nov 2012
Hi Guys,

I'm back! haha. Last time you made me some code that works when I have only 1 menu item that is a submenu... Now I have 2!

What happens is that as soon as I open a listitem in my second submenu (CROSS GYM) the red bar also shows on my other submenu (THAIBOX)
--> This is a bit annoying since it normally shows where you are in the menu.

Is this something that can be achieved easily? I also need to re-remove the text "HOME" on my homepage, it has returned!

Thanks in advance guys. I also would like to donate. Where can I do this?

Kind regards,

Old Sep 2, 2013, 03:27 AM
30 posts · Nov 2012
Also, the following doesn't seem to work anymore hmmm... How is this possible? It is in my various.css!

#post-76 h1 {
display: none;
Old Sep 2, 2013, 01:05 PM
lmilesw's Avatar
10,176 posts · Jul 2009
Central New York State USA
Double check your CSS for hover entries and other CSS. You can use Firebug to determine selectors.

As for your display: none I would double check your CSS for that as well. I don't see that code in your site.
~Larry (CNY Web Designs)
This site should be a membership site since it so full of good stuff.
Please consider donating which gives you access to even more good stuff.
Old Sep 2, 2013, 11:59 PM
CrouchingBruin's Avatar
299 posts · Aug 2010
Santa Monica, CA
Originally Posted by Stiino0
Also, the following doesn't seem to work anymore hmmm... How is this possible? It is in my various.css!

#post-76 h1 {
display: none;
I don't see it in your CSS; are you sure that it's there?

As far as the red-lining of the main menu items, as I noted in my last message above, the solution I worked out using JavaScript only works because you had just one main menu item with submenu items. I'll have to see how to make it work for multiple main menu items having submienus.
My Montezuma-themed sites: ESHS Girls Basketball Team, Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
Please consider making a donation to BytesForAll for their great themes!
Old Nov 12, 2013, 09:55 PM
CrouchingBruin's Avatar
299 posts · Aug 2010
Santa Monica, CA
OK, a solution to your menu problem came to me as I was driving to work this morning, sorry it took so long. Replace the code that I gave you earlier with this code:

var menuParent;		// Holds parent menu item


    // MouseLeave event handler for main menu items
  	// When mouse leaves the main menu item, save it
    $(".menu li").mouseleave(function()
        // Save the current object in a global variable
      	menuParent = $(this);

    // MouseEnter event handler for submenu items
    $(".sub-menu li").mouseenter(function()
        // Add the border-top CSS settings for the main menu item
        menuParent.css("border-top", "solid 5px #DA0022");
    // MouseLeave event handler for submenu items
    $(".sub-menu li").mouseleave(function()
        // Remove the border-top CSS settings for the main menu item
        menuParent.css("border-top", "");

What it does is save the parent menu object into a variable when the mouse exists the menu item, and then styles it when the mouse enters a submenu item.
My Montezuma-themed sites: ESHS Girls Basketball Team, Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
Please consider making a donation to BytesForAll for their great themes!


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