I don't want all my posts to show a featured image, but the Montezuma theme unfortunatly likes a featured image a lot and will show some other image from the post anyway. So I had to change some code again to fix it.
Since the code has changed slightly, I thought it would be nice to post the solution again.
Open thumb.php and change TRUE to FALSE in line 36 and 41:
elseif ( FALSE !== ( $thumb = bfa_get_first_attachment_id() ) )
$hasthumb = FALSE;
elseif ( FALSE !== ( $thumb = bfa_get_first_unattached_gallery_img_id() ) )
$hasthumb = TRUE;
// if local image not added with WP uploader but added as manual HTML link
elseif( FALSE !== ( $thumb = bfa_get_first_img_src() ) )
$hassrc = FALSE;
This way the smart featured image handling is disabled.