Have installed the Tribe Events Calendar plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/...ents-calendar/) with Atahualpa 3.7.10 and Wordpress 3.5.1.
It's working fine, except that the plugin seems to have overridden the Atahualpa code for the top header page navigation menu -- on the Calendar pages only.
On the Calendar page (and all subpages created by the Events Calendar plugin), the page menu link correctly displays the a:link color, and the a:hover color I had selected, but not the a:active color (which should stay the a:hover color when active).
When you click on the Calendar link in the top menu bar (so that it is in a: active status), it does not stay the hover color, as it should, but reverts to the a:link color.
I have tried every CSS alternative I can find to fix this, with no luck. Any help would be much appreciated!!