Hello. I've searched the forums but cannot quite find a solution to this problem:
I have a plug-in (Soliloquy Slider) that offers shortcode. I have put this shortcode into a sidebar widget -- I've tried my own text widget as well as using the plug-in's own custom widget (which presumably does the same thing).
What happens is that the Atahualpa settings for Widget List Items / Links (e.g., colored vertical bar at left border of widget) are being applied to this widget. This looks bad next to an image slider, but even worse it causes the slider to "jump" slightly side-to-side. I would like to selectively not apply these settings to just this one widget.
Is there any way to do this? I know that I can easily turn these settings off for all widgets right within ATO > Style Widgets > Widget List Items, but I rather like them for the rest of my widgets. Just not this one.
You can see the unwanted behavior at www.thinkkidthink.com -- top right widget just below the header.
I did cross-post to the plug-in site's forum, but given what I found when using a simple text widget with the plug-in shortcode, I suspect it needs to be addressed by editing my Atahualpa settings.
Thank you in advance for any help offered.