Hello, I started using Atahualpa frm a month,
I find it an incredible theme for all its customization options,
and now I am running into a problem when trying to point to jquery-ui, which I have included in the HTML Inserts: Header
when I try to use the .menu method that comes with jquery-ui, I get a message from console (using firefox) that says function .menu not defined.
I am trying to get a vertical custom menu placed in a widget in the left sidebar like the default one showed in the jquery-ui api demo page (http://jqueryui.com/menu/)
Otherwise I also tried to .animate the submenus to horizontal slidin' them rightside when hovering onto the main menu list-items, but I am having problems with css selectors related to this menu (inserted into widget area)
I tried to reset options on div.widget div.widget ul, etc...and then apply css using the ID's of menu and list-items, but with poor success.
I would be very thankful if someone could help me to fix this, maybe someone already had this kind of issue.
Thanks in advance, and sorry if I am asking something that is already in some thread (I tried to look before, but couldn't find something about this)
Wish you all a good day,