It has to be part f one of your plugins. If you want to isolate it here is what to do
1) use your browser to visit your site and view the SOURCE of the page (depending on the browser it might be undet the EDIT or VIEW tab)
2) do a find on '/all in one seo pack' and look at the next line, if it is
HTML Code:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href=""/>
go to step (3) - if it is gone, go to step (5)
3) deactivate 3 plugins - (don't deactivate the ALL IN ONE SEO plugin, that's our reference
4) go back to step 1
5) so it's one of the plugins you just deactivated, activate them one by one and check the page again till you identify which one it is, then go look at it's options and see where this reference to the favicon is coming from.