I want to assign email addresses to will make it easier to post content on WP to a specific page.
My idea is to set up an email address used to post to WP. (addressusedtopost@site.com)
Then I would like to create other email addresses such as activities2o8upo0@site.com and healthtips567asdflsdaf70sdf@site.com
I would redirect these to addressusedtopost@site.com (because I understand you can only use one email address)
I would like these posted with the cat = activities in the case of activities@site.com or cat = healthtips from healthtips@site.com depending on the original address it was sent to.
Then with template pages set to cat=healthtips or cat=activities I can have this content post to the page I want to (using Juggledad's template) (wonderful)
The question is can anyone tell me how to parse the original "to:" address and then use that to set the category associated with the post?
I'm guessing I'd need to make a plugin or play with the post loop? I do a lot and mean well but am not a programer.
Can anyone think of a different approach that might be easier? is there a plugin?
3.7.5 WP 2.4.2