If you need the php in a post, page or widget, you can use the exec-php plugin which allows php in those areas. It is just themes that aren't allowed to use it.
I should have been more clear: I'm talking about PHP in Atahualpa Theme Options->Posts & Pages->Edit POST/PAGE INFO ITEMS->BYLINE: Homepage (for example).
Can PHP be executed from that section, or not?
I just installed the Exec-PHP plugin you suggested, and it still doesn't seem to be executing PHP, when included in the section I just indicated.
It would be a major, major pain to have to manually insert a bunch of html and php in every single blog post, which is why I'm trying to use Atahualpa Theme Options->Posts & Pages->Edit POST/PAGE INFO ITEMS->BYLINE: Homepage.
Is there a way to get PHP to execute in this section, or is there a workaround so I can implement social networking buttons that refer to permalinks and titles for individual posts on multi-post pages? Here is all of the PHP I'm trying to execute:
<?php the_permalink() ?>
<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>
<?php the_title() ?>
<?php $link = get_permalink(); echo urlencode($link); ?>
<?php $title = get_the_title(); echo urlencode($title); ?>
<?php related_posts() ?>