I cannot get AdRotate to work in Atahualpa Theme AND I cannot seem to submit Post to "MeandMyMac" AdRotate Forum.. any suggestions? Thanks....
I tried using widgets first, as follows:
FIRST WIDGET "AdRoate2: Our Sponsors"
Title:Our Sponsors
Group: [adrotate group="2"]
Banner (Optional): [banner="6"] (thinking later, maybe it would help to have one id)
Block (Optional):
Columns (Optional):
All that appears in my sidebar is "Our Sponsors" (that looks really good)... but no banners.
For the individual banner I used:
Title: Culligan water Systems
code: %image%, %link%
Group: Right Sidebar
Banner image: Culligan.jpg (from drop down)
Clicktracking: Enabled url:
Activate banner: Yes!
Preview (no image)
Note: While this preview is an accurate one, it might look different then it does on the website.
This is because of CSS differences. Your themes CSS file is not active here!
I used a Text Widge and the code: <?php echo adrotate_banner('2'); ?>
(only "Our Sponsors" appear) on the page.
Added code to pages.phg actually "bfa_hor_pages.php" (as it is named in this theme)
after I saved the changes, I got the message:
"http://sodusny.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Culligan.jpgWarning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/sodusny/public_html/wp-content/themes/atahualpa344/functions/bfa_hor_pages.php:32) in /home/sodusny/public_html/wp-content/plugins/si-contact-form/si-contact-form.php on line 1892"
Undid that... then tried adding the code (<?php echo adrotate_banner('2'); ?>
to the end of index.php and received the following message:
"http://sodusny.org/wp-content/banners/Culligan.jpg, http://sodusny.org/wp-content/plugins/adrotate/adrotate-out.php?trackerid=6"
I'm not sure what to try next.
I do not know php.
This is the first time I've used the WordPress Atahualpa Theme, and it was recently updated.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.