After putting in more time than I will admit without coercion, I feel close to being able to fine-tune an Atahualpa-themed site using Google Chrome Developer Tools (GCDT). But there is/are a hump or two I just can't get over. The URL is:
And the task that eludes me is to get a "handle" on the text in the sidebar to make it smaller. GCDT shows:
" <div id="text-3" class="widget widget_text"> <div class="textwidget"><img class="size-full wp-image-163 alignleft" title="Hearing aid is small and powerful" src="" alt="Hand holds hearing aid" width="160" height="160" />
<h4>Those who decide to try a hearing aid at ABC enjoy multiple safeguards…</h4>
<p>1. The first 30 days are a risk-free trial. Return it if you don't like it.</p>
<p>2. The hearing aid...."
I'm using a child theme that seems to be working except that only some of what I add to it has any effect. I tried redefining "text-3" and "textwidget" without any change. I tried writing a new class for "widget widget_text" and nothing changed.
A secondary but related matter is that I suspect my size declarations are "confused." I thought I could set the basic text specs for the page in "body" but while the body settings have an effect, they seem influenced by something else.
Third and last, I haven't found the place to edit the overall specs for the <h1> through <h6> heads.
Feel free to poke around the site as you like. Feel free to speak candidly about what I need to learn.
Chuck M