I was trying to make a page appear within a page, and also allow users to navigate to the page without having multiple pages to update, add to the header.php, or create a new template.
I found that what I could do is add
<!--iframe changes--> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- if (self !== top) document.write('<body style="background:none"><style type="text/css">td#header {display: none;}</style>'); //--> </script><!--iframe changes-->
By doing this I effectively pulled the background out of the page and pulled the header out.
The reason I was doing this was primarily that I have an old site that I am slowly migrating over to Wordpress and while I am doing that I don't want to have to update the code in multiple locations, but I also don't want people to see or navigate on the new site. I also pulled this section out because I could not directly remove bits and pieces to have it work as I had widgets added to the header area.
I just wanted to pass along something that took me several weeks of "playing" to figure out. I enjoyed the playing time it showed me what more I can do with the site that I never thought was going to be possible.