I would like to place the Category Menu at the bottom of my page, either beneath the content or at the top of the the footer. I admittedly am not well versed in php and css, so I have just been attempting to copy and paste the existing code where I want it, but that has not been successful. Here is what I have tried so far:
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
In bfa_header_config.php I copied the following code:
// Category Menu Bar
if ( strpos($header_items,'%cats') !== FALSE OR strpos($header_items,'%cat-center') !== FALSE
OR strpos($header_items,'%cat-right') !== FALSE ) {
// Since 3.5.2: New WP 3 menu system:
if (function_exists('wp_nav_menu') AND has_nav_menu('menu2')) {
if (strpos($header_items,'%cats') !== FALSE ) $alignment = "left";
elseif (strpos($header_items,'%cat-center') !== FALSE ) $alignment = "center";
else $alignment = "right";
$cat_menu_bar = bfa_new_wp3_menus("menu2", $alignment );
// Old custom Atahualpa menu system:
} else {
echo '<div id="menu2">';
if ( strpos($header_items,"%cat-right") !== FALSE ) {
echo '<ul id="rmenu" class="dropdown clearfix rMenu-hor rMenu-hRight rMenu">' . "\n";
} elseif ( strpos($header_items,"%cat-center") !== FALSE ) {
echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="margin: 0 auto"><tr><td align="center">
<ul id="rmenu" class="clearfix rMenu-hor rMenu">' . "\n";
} else {
echo '<ul id="rmenu" class="clearfix rMenu-hor rMenu">' . "\n";
// Home Link?
if ( $bfa_ata['home_cat_menu_bar'] != '' ) {
echo '<li class="cat-item';
if ( function_exists('is_front_page') ) {
if ( is_front_page() OR is_home() ) {
echo ' current-cat';
} elseif ( is_home() ) {
echo ' current-cat';
echo '"><a href="'; bloginfo('url'); echo '/" title="'; bloginfo('name'); echo '">' .
$bfa_ata['home_cat_menu_bar'] . '</a></li>' . "\n";
// Empty setting "levels" same as 0
if ( $bfa_ata['levels_cat_menu_bar'] == '' ) {
$bfa_ata['levels_cat_menu_bar'] = 0;
// Create menu list
echo bfa_hor_cats($bfa_ata['sorting_cat_menu_bar'], $bfa_ata['order_cat_menu_bar'],
$bfa_ata['levels_cat_menu_bar'], $bfa_ata['titles_cat_menu_bar'], $bfa_ata['exclude_cat_menu_bar']);
// Close table if centered
if ( strpos($header_items,"%cat-center") !== FALSE ) {
echo '</ul></td></tr></table></div>' . "\n";
} else {
echo '</ul></div>' . "\n";
$cat_menu_bar = ob_get_contents();
I then pasted it into bfa_footer.php just above the following code:
// Current Year
$footer_content = str_replace("%current-year%", date('Y'), $footer_content);
That resulted in no change, so I undid it all.
I also tried, under ATO > Style & Edit FOOTER > Footer Content, to put %cats and %cats% in the area just above "Copyright", but that just resulted in the text "%cats" showing up just before "Copyright."