Hello all.
My blog was down for about two weeks, and am successfully back up after updating. However; now across the top of my blog there is my blog name (Ascender Rises Above) but also "page not found".
How might I get rid of those words?
I have tried solutions to similar problems. I did reset the reading settings; and I checked under general settings that the words "page not found" was not in there. My rss feed appears fine.
I did a search on my theme "Atahualpa" and the words "page not found"; and found that there are a great many blogs with this same issue. I searched posts here for "page not found" and did not find a solution.
Looking back at my theme, looking at "Atahualpa Theme Options"
Inside of it is a tab called "SEO"
Inside of it is a place for "Homepage Meta Description" (mine is blank)
and "Homepage Meta Keywords" (mine is blank)
and "Use Bytes For All SEO options?" I have "no" clicked.
Nofollow RSS, trackback & admin links? I have it as "No"
The theme I am using is Atahualpa 3.2. My wordpress is 2.7.1
I appreciate your taking the time to look at this issue.