3.6.7 runs fine with WP 3.2.1 but be aware that you will need to apply the patches as shown below and that some php code will not be executed any longer along with you can't edit the Center Column Loop etc and longer. So if you have added any php code to the theme options or added text to the loop for example an upgrade will not work for you.
Also it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you do the upgrade using the manual method as
outlined here. That way if something doesn't work as you expected you can just switch back to the previous version of the theme.
- PATCH 367-01: Odd effects when 'CSS: Compress' = 'Yes'
- PATCH 367-02 is incorporated in PATCH 367-04
- PATCH 367-03: PHP errors when adding widget areas in index.php
- PATCH 367-04: Hovering over a Post/Page title only shows "Permanent Link to"
- PATCH 367-05: Site Title appended after the 'WordPress SEO by Yoast' title