I found the item on how to turn off Atahualpa Post Options ( http://forum.bytesforall.com/showthread.php?t=2599 ) . I thought you might like know that "Body Title Single Pages" and "Body Title Multi Post Pages" get propagated from a Post Template template identical to the post subject. It's the reason I'm turning off your extra options.
My templates in Post Template, in some case, have a date in the subject line like "Template update scheduled for ??th, 2009". When I generate a new post from the template I update the date with the current month and day. With the Atahualpa Post Options getting filled in it means I have to remember to delete or update them because, if I don't, the new item doesn't display correctly (displays the bad subject based on Atahualpa Post Options rather than the subject line I used).
I hope that they don't propagate when this is off or I may be back here with an update. Is there a better way to handle this for my case (I may not have seen an option for it, but you may want to consider making these extra Atahualpa Post Options actually completely optional )?