I was shut down by bluehost because of essentially a DoS attack. My fault - I protected my working wordpress site, but totally forgot that I had an earlier, abandoned version that was the site of the attack. I was unhappy with the help from them - which was zero, so I've moved myself to a new host.
That means I need to rebuild my wordpress life which was within Atahualpa. I have access to the original complete files through ftp and have rebuilt the bare-bones of the theme. But I had a number of style, etc tweaks to the theme that I'd sure like to not lose but I have no idea where these settings are stored within the directory structure. This includes additional pages and installed plugins.
I'd really appreciate it if I could be pointed to the directories/files that I would need to ftp from bluehost's directory to my new one! I can't even remember what the old look was to restore it. I had no screen shots of it before it went away.