I have issue with navigation links on bottom of the page.
Now, what I see is:
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7....
Is there I chance for other navigation lilke:
*Lets say we are on page 4 in this moment.
first page,....,3,4,5,.....last page
PHP Code:
<?php // Post Pagination
if ((is_home() && $bfa_ata['excerpts_home'] == "Full Posts") OR
(is_category() && $bfa_ata['excerpts_category'] == "Full Posts") OR
(is_date() && $bfa_ata['excerpts_archive'] == "Full Posts") OR
(is_tag() && $bfa_ata['excerpts_tag'] == "Full Posts") OR
(is_search() && $bfa_ata['excerpts_search'] == "Full Posts") OR
(is_author() && $bfa_ata['excerpts_author'] == "Full Posts") OR
is_single() OR
is_page() ) {
wp_link_pages('before=<p class="post-pagination"><strong>' . __('Pages:','atahualpa') . '</strong> &after=</p>&next_or_number=number');
} ?>